5 Favorite Mid Century Instagrammers to Follow

by Nicole Hodsdon

5 Favorite Mid Century Instagrammers to Follow

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Whenever I'm in need of some inspiration the quickest way to get my fix is Instagram.  Here are my 5 favorite Mid Century inspired feeds that always seem to hit the spot:

1. midcenturymobler - They find the most amazing mid century pieces, and it’s a bonus when they post pictures of their fantastic mid century home.

Mid Century Mobler Instagram

2. midcenturyfurniture - Lots of fun and beautiful finds with delicious details, plus some behind the scenes at an American mid century furniture manufacturer.

Mid Century Furniture Instagram

3. modernism_week - Everything Palm Springs and Modernism Week - which means a lot of gorgeous mid century homes and design.

Modernism Week Instagram

4. fantasticfrank - They're more scandinavian modern, but that calm, bright, and clean aesthetic definitely works within the midcentury vibe.

Fantastic Frank Instagram

5. midmodmich - This feed features wonderful mid century homes mostly from the lovely state of Michigan.

Mid Mod Michigan Instagram


Nicole Hodsdon
Nicole Hodsdon
